Overhaul Class Series

Availability: Out of stock

Overhaul Class Series

(To register for this course, you must have first completed OCBC’s tune up class series)

Instructor: Al

Overhaul classes are held as a series of five classes on Saturday mornings.

March 2025 class series:

  • Saturday, March 1
  • Saturday, March 8
  • Saturday, March 15
  • Saturday, March 22
  • Saturday, March 29

When: (Most) Months with five Saturdays from 9am – noon

Where: The Ohio City Bicycle Co-op

1779 Merwin Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113

Located in the Irishtown Bend section of Cleveland's The Flats neighborhood


anyone age 15+

Individuals age 12-14 are welcome to share a spot with a friend/relative age 18 or older (Adults: purchase one class spot and respond to initial class email saying you will be bringing an additional person, their age (must be 12-14), and their relationship with you. You must be listed as one of the adults on the youth permission form.)

(For anyone under age 18, we require a signed youth permission form completed by parent or guardian. Please print, fill out, and bring with you to the first class.)

How much: $245 per student

Optional additional costs: Big Blue Book of Bicycle Repair, $20 (plus tax)

How many students per class: 6

Instructor/student ratio: 1:2

Shop credits earned: 50 

This hands-on course will take you through the process of doing a bike overhaul — what most bike shops do for $250 – $300, plus the cost of parts.  Over five Saturdays, you will learn how to:

  • Disassemble, assess, lubricate, and re-assemble the headset, bottom bracket, and wheel bearing systems.
  • Remove and replace brake and shift cables and housing, brake pads, and gear chainrings and clusters
  • Inspect frame and fork alignment, and condition of all components
  • Document seat and handlebar adjustments for exact re-assembly position
  • Tape handlebars

You won’t use your own bike in this course, but it will prepare you to work on your own bike with minimal help in our shop, or at home with common tools and just a few bike-specific ones.

Class bikes will be stored at the co-op during the course, so they can also be worked on during our open times — including immediately after class — in case that day’s work isn’t finished in class, and for extra practice. Volunteering after each class is strongly encouraged, to practice and expand on the techniques and concepts covered each week.

We are a Park Tool School, and their Big Blue Book of Bicycle repair is available at a discount as a textbook when you register for this course. Park Tool also has great repair help videos.

our policies:

missing a class: Registering for the class series includes attendance at 4 classes over the month. Since we have a fixed number of students, and each class builds on the previous classes, it is not possible to reschedule a missed class.  However, all class participants are welcome to “audit” any class in following courses (with emailed notice) if they were unable to attend or did not fully grasp all the concepts covered.  They may not be able to perform the hands-on repairs if class is full and there is not a work station available, but as always are welcome to do so by staying after class for Shop Use.

cancellations: If there are fewer than three students registered by Thursday before the first class, the series may be cancelled and the students who registered will receive a full refund. If you realize you can no longer attend and would like a refund, you may cancel your registration by calling or emailing us 10 days in advance of the first day of class (two Wednesdays before the class). This gives us time to advertise the vacancy and fill the spot. We’re sorry, but if you cancel within the 9 days before class, we cannot refund you. Filling the classes is important to us, so please be mindful when registering.

volunteering credits: Up to 2 spots in each tune up or overhaul class series can be paid for using volunteer credits. Feel free to use part volunteer credits and part cash/credit card. Credits used to pay for the class must be earned in advance of class registration (i.e., no volunteer credit IOU’s). If you’re interested in using your credits to pay for part or all of the class, reach out to us at [email protected] (or ask Emily whenever you’re around the co-op).

Covid-19 safety: Many of our staff, volunteers, and students are older adults or immunocompromised individuals. We have installed UV-C air filtration in our community shop, and we will require masks inside the facility if  Covid-19 community levels are currently in the “medium” or “high” ranges. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and flexibility.

waitlist: Our tune up and overhaul class series sometimes fill up months in advance. If you’re interested in attending but the class is sold out, feel free to reach out to [email protected] to be put on our waitlist. Please indicate for which months you’re interested in.

We greatly appreciate the skilled co-op volunteers who provide educational assistance for this class!

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