Fix a Flat Class
Availability: | In stock (4) |
Instructor: Dani
Location: Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, 1779 Merwin Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113
Upcoming Fix a Flat Class Sessions:
- Thursday, September 19, 6:00-7:30pm (sold out)
- Thursday, November 21, 6:00-7:30pm
The best time to learn to fix a flat is before one happens on your ride. In this single session class, you’ll learn and practice tips and tricks on removing and replacing replacing a tube and tire. This skill is often referenced as a step for cyclists to feel more prepared to ride longer, farther, and in more remote locations. All participants receive a set of three new Park tool tire levers (useful for getting your tire off your wheel).
Topics covered:
- Removing a wheel from a bike
- Removing a tire from a wheel
- Identifying the cause of a flat
- Installing a replacement tube/tire